My mom sometimes tells me that I take pictures of strange things. Part of the reason for this is that I have a fascination for texture. So here are some texture shots: This is NOT rock or soil natural to the area. This is what they brought in and put under the concrete walkway.
This is one of the microclimates in the cracks of the volcanic rock. Up top it's all dry. Down here, there's enough water for moss and plants.
This was by the American Falls dam again. You can't see the road, but this is where they drilled through rock to put a road down to the dam. You CAN see where they drilled down (the regularly spaced scoring). From the looks of things, they drilled down and then cut across. If they'd blasted it out, I wouldn't expect the drill marks to still be visible.
Here you can see most of the megaflora from the area. Juniper, cedar, sage, possibly a currant bush...
Ah, I do this too. I have a file in my photos devoted to texture. I'm not sure what I'll ever do with them, but...:P
*grins* If nothing else, they make good backgrounds on computer screens (or even web pages).
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