07 May 2006


Remind me not to watch cliffhanger Dr. Who episodes right before bedtime. Especially not creepy cliffhangers. I only started watching recently (and I haven't seen any of the older versions, just this new one). There's a wide variety in plotlines, but every episode has been interesting so far. Just...there's a creepiness factor that creeps in when I'm tired.

In this one, they've gone back to London, 1941, while the Germans are bombing it. I missed the very beginning, but it seems they were following something else that landed there. Anyway, as a result of the something else, people are turning into zombies. Anyone who touches them also become a zombie. Each one has a gas mask fused to his face, and clinically seems to be dead, except they can all still move around. The first zombie was a little boy hit by the time-debris. He wanders around calling out for his 'Mommie' in an extremely creepy voice. Anyway, I suppose I'll find out what's going on there on Friday. Meanwhile, I expect to have creepy dreams. *sighs*

Note: Sometimes the effects and acting are quite cheesy on Dr. Who. This is not one of those times.


Fibonacci said...

Don't watch cliffhanger Dr. Who episodes right before bedtime. Especially not creepy cliffhangers.

Qalmlea said...

:^) Thank you. I think. I was just tired enough to start wondering if there were gas-masked zombies behind every closed door...