10 May 2006


I got the Math025 finals graded while my Math123 students took their final. Got grades recorded and submitted as well. Which leaves the Math015 finals and the Math123 finals. Math123 won't take very long. There were never very many students in that class, and a few dropped along the way. I think ten people showed up to the final, with one person taking it early due to a conflict. Math015... *sighs* There's probably about 25 tests. I think 36 are still registered between the two sections, but some I haven't seen in a long time. For the last in-class test, a few people showed up who hadn't been coming to class. One did reasonably well, so she'd been working on MathXL and getting stuff done. Another flopped miserably, and got a note on her test "Maybe you should have been coming to class..." Since she never showed up to pick it up, it's unlikely it did much good.

I supppose I'll grade Math015 when I get back from giving my mom ride home from the car place. See, Grandma wanted her friend Beula to have her car after she died, only Mom decided she was going to keep that car, and offered Beula HER old car instead. Beula was a bit shocked but accepted, so Mom's taking Chong Wen for an oil change and to get cleaned up. (FYI, Mom has never accpeted Chong Wen as her car's name, but Chong Wen told me he liked that name ;^) Which means I'll have to come up with a name for Grandma's LeSabre. I tried brainstorming with my mom, but it turns out she hates every name I come up with, so I'm just going to find a name that fits.

On a related note, we're going to Colorado for the weekend. Mom's somethingth high school reunion is in Akron, and I'm tagging along to get out of town for a while. I'm not going to the actual banquet, as it's unlikely to contain any edible food. At Grandma's funeral, we actually brought some ham down to supplement the after-funeral-lunch, since there was nothing there I could eat either. *mutters to herself* Anyway, I'm hoping to find a black geometric shelf to hang on the wall in my soon-to-be tearoom while we're in Fort Collins.

We found out from my Aunt Sandra that my Uncle Kip (Dad's brother) had a heart attack not too long ago. Kip is Dad's younger brother. His older brother Darwin died of a heart attack when I was a junior in high school, and that's what set off Dad's worst schizophrenic outburst. Kip survived, largely because he got very quick medical treatment and because techniques have advanced quite a bit.

Aaaand there was the phone. Time to go rescue my mom from the evil clutches of the car place.

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