Back to the Desert
Before my sword lesson today, I wandered over to another section of Hell's Half-Acre. This one is 20 miles west of IF, on Highway 20. No concrete ramps and metal staircases here! *grins* Not even really a trail here. Instead, there are poles marking the "trail", for lack of a better word. The sign says that the short loop can be done in half an hour. I think that's only if you already know the route and don't have to hunt around, trying to figure out where the next trail-marker is. There was one place where I simply couldn't see the trail-marker, but I was almost back to the parking lot, and there was really only one way to go, since I didn't have any rapelling equipment with me. Halfway there, I spotted the next marker, which was a bit of a relief. It was too short: that was the problem. Maybe three feet tall. Most of them were about six feet tall.
Anyway, it was a quite enjoyable trek. Since there was no real trail, I got to pick my own route from one marker to the next. Lots of pahoehoe, and some a'a (ah-ah, much rougher and harder to walk on than pahoehoe). Also, a surprising number of flowers. Not as many as at Gibson Jack, but more than I expected. The cactus weren't in bloom yet, but there were little red buds on many of them. I encountered one group of two people on the way. They were headed on the long loop, to the volcanic vent that had released all that gorgeous lava. I didn't have time for that trek. In fact, I got back to the car much later than I'd intended. I'd planned to have lunch at the Canton Restaurant, but I didn't get back into town until 12:20 or so, and got down to the restaurant around 12:30. Sword lesson starts at 13:00. On a good day, I would have been able to get my food in five minutes and eat it in ten. However, there was no way of telling whether this would be a GOOD day or not. So I went to Albertson's and bought some cheddar cheese and almonds instead. It was surprisingly satisfying.
As far as the sword lesson went, Don said I'd improved on several of his nitpicks from last week. We figured out that one of the improvements was awkward because I was missing a wrist turn, and that the reason "Wave Tassels Against the Wind" has always given me fits is that I didn't realize there were waist turns that went with it. *sighs* It works much better now. There was also a timing issue on one of the steps, but the waist turns were the most critical problem. I get the impression that Don is both pleased and surprised at my progress. *shrugs*
ADDENDUM: Forgot to mention that I stopped at Hastings on my way out of IF and found a Hiking guide specific to Eastern Idaho. It has quite a few more hikes than the statewide guide I found. I also picked up a Father's Day gift for my dad. It's a guide to the Magic Valley, where he grew up. Lots of pictures and stories. I'd be surprised if he didn't like it.