12 October 2005


Well, my grandma made it through the surgery all right. They got the stints in her legs, but not in her kidneys. One kidney didn't need it, and the other had too small an artery to accomodate the stint (or something like that). I was there when her doctor (the "nice Pakistani") came by to check on her last night, and he thought her toes were looking better. Her breathing was better, for sure. And we found out that today (Wednesday morning) they plan to drain the fluid out of her lungs. Not fun, but it should help her breathing, hopefully to the point that she doesn't need oxygen when she goes home.

When I left last night, I was under the impression everything was going well...but I just got a call from my mom. Grandma thinks her toes are looking worse this morning, and seems to be all freaked out. She wasn't very happy to hear she was having more surgery (understandable), and I think it may have just pushed her mood a bit past the edge. Since the doctor hasn't seen her this morning, I have no clue if there's any actual reason to worry, but my grandma's mood had obviously affected my mom. I could hear it in her voice. So I will try to get up there and visit before heading up to my office. My mom has to go to work today...she sounds like I felt on Monday, so I doubt she'll be very productive.

UPDATE^2: Okay... confused now. I went up to see Grandma, and her mood is just fine. There was no sense of increased worry in her at all. So either she calmed down after Mom left or it was my mom who was freaking out, and not Grandma at all. If anything, Grandma was in a better mood this morning, and was pleased that they let her take a shower. So I think Mom is going slightly mad at the moment. Hopefully having something to do today (i.e. work) will help calm her down).

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