06 October 2005

Someone's got it in for my socks...

Well, the morning started off a bit late, as I had neglected to reset my alarm yesterday when I turned it off. On the bright side, I think I needed that extra sleep and it didn't make me late for anything. So I was putting a cup of not-yet-hot cocoa in the microwave and bumped against the door, splashing cocoa-milk on my right, white sock. Fine. I used the sock to wipe up everything else that had spilled and replaced it with an identical one (it's a plain white sock; I have several identical pairs). So then I cooked some sausage, and as I was getting it out of the pan, managed to spill grease on the left white sock. I didn't bother to replace that one, but there's obviously a conspiracy afoot to stain my socks!

The rest of the day went more smoothly, thankfully. I ran into Fibonacci in the math center and we discussed our varying approaches to defining Pi for hexagons (I was using area; he was using circumference). Then I gave tests in my two stats classes, and managed to finish tomorrow's Real Analysis homework while they were testing. Last week's assignment was more difficult, and I hadn't allowed enough time for it, so I didn't bother to turn it in (Note: I'm not taking the clas for a grade). If I have time tomorrow morning, I might try to finish that one up and at least get feedback on it.

Random Note: Sparkling elecricity.

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