14 October 2005


Breathing is important. The lungs allow us to breathe. When the lungs start filling with fluid, it's bad. They drained my grandma's lungs once this week. She didn't get to go home today because they started filling up again. This is a classic symptom of kidney failure, or so my research indicates. The medical name for it is pulmonary edema. In my grandma's case, the cause is almost certainly kidney failure due to diabetic complications (that's probably not the official, exact name for it, but it's close enough). I have to wonder whether any of the medicines she's on to lower her blood pressure could be contributing, though... (Random Rant: some idiot tried to put her on prozac a while back; a five minute internet search indicated that NO ONE with KIDNEY problems should EVER take prozac)

Grandma's birthday is tomorrow. I really, really hope she gets to come home. I brought her some pretty flowers and a baby pumpkin (maybe 4 inches in diameter and 2-3 inches tall) to brighten up her hospital room, but it's still a hospital room. I probably should have gone to see her again tonight (I went this afternoon), but I just needed time away from everything.

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