01 March 2008


Goldenseal: reduced mucus flow but didn't touch the infection
Garlic: made a valiant effort, but wasn't enough on its own

Hence, clinic last night and antibiotics now. *grumbles* Nasssty, wicked antibioticses. But if they do the job, great. It's just been going up and down and up and down for the past week. A good day. A less good day. A lousy day. A better day. A good day... etc. I'm rather fed up with the whole thing. And there is one way in which I resemble Terry from Bandits. All he had to do was hear about a symptom to develop it, no matter how bizarre the symptom might be. The doc last night, in his infinite asininity, decided to go through the litany of everything I should be experiencing with a bacterial infection. * mutters *

Possibly not quite as annoying as this doctor:

Not related, but I just like this sketch. The candy assortment for people you really don't like. `/^

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