18 March 2008


Just testing a few html tags to see if they're blogger compatible

            "& # 160" to get a space in html mode (deleted if you switch to compose)

x2 - sup

x1 - sub

  • li

    1. ol





    John said...

    there's a better way to keep whitespace than using character entities (like  ).

    the [pre] tag. you just have to define it so that it uses the same font as the rest of your post.

    Here's how it's defined in my template:

    pre {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

    John said...

    heh. It interpretted the character entity I used.

    it shold be:
    (like and-pound-160)

    John said...

    [ol] and [ul] define the type of list (ordered or unordered)

    [li] defines a list element, all of which are nested inside the [ol] or [ul] tags


    [li]first item[/li]
    [li]second item[/li]

    produces a numbered list

    [li]first item[/li]
    [li]second item[/li]

    produces a bulleted list

    Qalmlea said...

    Yeah, I looked some of those up after the fact. The pre thing is interesting though... Does it just keep all the whitespace you put into the document?

    John said...

    [pre] keeps all the whitespace between the [pre] and [/pre]

    Qalmlea said...

    Ah, thank you. That will be useful. ^/^