09 July 2006


Forgot to mention that my last Gibson Jack foray was fraught with fluttering flies. However, I was prepared this time. I had three different insect repellents with me. Why three? Two of them were untried. The third was an "Off" towlette that I picked up from a hotel last summer. The first one came from Wild Oats in Fort Collins and is called "Buzz Away." It's a citronella based spray. It was effective for, at best, ten minutes. So it's NOT recommended. The next was also a natural one: "Repel: Lemon Eucalyptus." I found it on clearance last summer at Wal-Mart (which does not bode well for finding it again). This one was actually useful. It lasted for an hour to an hour and a half, depending on how much I was sweating. It was wearing off at the ridgeline, and I was surrounded by a cloud of the bloodthirsty buggers. I reapplied the Lemon Eucalyptus cream...and nearly all of them went away. I was pleased.

I don't like things like "Off" because they make me feel sick. The Lemon Eucalyptus has a very strong lemon-mint scent, but it's a huge improvement over Off. And the smell becomes less noticeable as it is absorbed into your skin. Still, I was quite happy to wash the stuff off once I got home, and I was feeling a bit nauseous on the drive back. It could have been from low blood sugar, but I think the bug-cream smell made it worse.

At any rate, it looks like insect repellents with a large proportion (30% in this case) of lemon eucalyptus oil are effective, at least against flies. I haven't tested it against mosquitoes yet. Likely if I make it back to Blackrock Canyon, I will have an opportunity to do so. I'll also hang onto the Buzz-Away, just to give it one more try. [Oh, I've read that repellents made with soybean oil are also effective, but I've never even found one to try.]


Qalmlea said...

Thanks for the tip, though I'm doubtful ANY of them would last 8 hours on someone who's sweating profusely. I'll look for it next time I'm in Fort Collins (likely towards the end of the month, as taiji camp is coming up).

Qalmlea said...

Interesting. Their tests mention mosquitoes and ticks, but not flies...