26 August 2005

Waving Electricity

This is an alternative energy source I haven't heard about before: Ocean Power

Now, we certainly need alternate energy sources. Even if most oil weren't under the Middle East, burning it is not doing our atmosphere any good. But I find it interesting that discussions of alternate energy sources never point out possible environmental impacts from them. It's always: "Look, ma, no burning!" Wind power is a beautiful idea, but I have to wonder how much of it we can use without seriously changing weather patterns. Perhaps since we only harness wind near the surface of the earth, it won't have any far-reaching effects. The same holds true for ocean waves. Now, if they're harnessing tidal power, I would be less concerned. So long as the moon sticks with the earth, that's not a problem. It would probably affect tidal wildlife in the area, but so do oil spills. However, ocean waves and currents also drive the climate. The question is, how much can we muck with them before messing up the climate? And even if we stopped, would the climate then go back to normal? It seems strange to me that these so-called environmentalists researching energy have never considered these possibilities. Then again, I don't know much about the climate. Maybe the effect is too small to matter. But a hundred years ago, someone might have said the same thing about automobile exhaust.

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