15 August 2005

The Day of Broken Glass...

This didn't make it into my post after taiji camp, but an event tonight just may be related. The day we left for Colorado, I made a run back to my house to grab the peanut butter; I was about to take it into Mom's house to put it in the cooler when it rolled out of my arms and shattered on the concrete. So I asked Mom if we could stop at WinCo on the way out of town and pick up more. There was something else that she'd forgotten to get, so that was fine. Meanwhile, we got everything else into the cooler and I was trying to carry it out to the car. No one was around to open the screen door for me, so I kicked it open. It rebounded, and the cooler went straight through the glass window. So we picked the glass up, I indicated I would pay for a new window when we got back, and ten minutes later I DID get the cooler into the car.

Well, we stopped in Rock Springs for lunch, at McDonald's I think. I had my mom order me a water while I dug out my own stuff for lunch (GF bread and the peanut butter). I set the jar of peanut butter on the trunk while I got stuff together. It rolled off and shattered on the ground. I nodded to myself, dug a ziplock bag out of the trunk, salvaged what I could, and dragged the mess into the restaurant to make my sandwich. After which I threw away what was left of the peanut butter and told my mom we would find a PLASTIC jar in Fort Collins (which we did, eventually). Thankfully, that was the last of my glass-breaking escapades for the trip, but there may be one more on the roster, NOT due to me.

Tonight, I was cooking dinner at my grandma's house and went to dig out a pan. Then I asked Grandma if there was a lid that would fit it. Well there was. Emphasis on was. It had shattered into hundreds of pieces. We have no clue how or when, but it was probably while we were in Colorado. My money is on the morning we left, as it would fit with the rest of that day. So my mom and I got all the glass cleaned up and the pans put back in the cupboard, and I found a smaller pan with a metal lid to cook the sausage in.

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