25 July 2005

Strange Puppies

More weird dreams... This time about a 'mysterious' breed of dog. A male puppy has gone missing; I'm part of a group hired to find it. These particular dogs don't get very large...my best description would be a cross between a dachsund and a chihuahua, but it mottled dark brown fur. Anyway, this quickly turns from a missing dog case to an investigation of the nature of these dogs. There's a pivotal moment of realization which now makes no sense... We were walking up a cobblestoned hill, looking at the three shops which sell these puppies. And suddenly I knew (because these were the ONLY places where these puppies were sold) that something was odd about them. Since there was no train of logic in the dream, I'll just explain what was odd:

The females are born in 'coin purses', with a coin. They are also born head first. The males are born backwards. As it turns out, the males are never very healthy. In fact, they're not even necessary for reproduction. The coins are the key, somehow. (Feeding the females coins makes them reproduce? I don't know. I'm not sure I want to know). Anyway, in the last part, we've gone to see the Patrician (apparently we're in Ankh Morpork) and of course he'd known all along what was going on. My partner has acquired one of these puppies and is crying her eyes out, afraid it will die. The Patrician gently explains that since (a) it's female (b) it was born head first and with a coin, the puppy will be fine. At any rate, we deduce that the male puppy we were looking for was most likely too sick to survive.

I had a vague sense that some of the males did all right... but a lot of them turned out sickly. *shrugs*


Fibonacci said...

What did the Patrician look like?

Qalmlea said...

Tall, large hawk nose, piercing eyes. Thin...in a predatory sort of way. He wore a dark blue robe, and seemed rather exasperated at having to see us. :D