21 July 2005

Dreaming of Dragons

I only remember one scene of dreaming from last night, but it is quite odd. I was driving on a dirt road in an old boat of a car. It was red, and had the sort of cloth exterior around the rear window. The area around the dirt road looked a lot like Mesa Verde: dry desert, sparse plant life. Then for some reason I'm not in the car anymore; I'm running outside, trying to catch up with it. Another car comes around us at full speed. I take my remote, and steer the car into a parking area, still running to catch up (why I didn't use the remote to just make it stop, I don't know). Then I get to the parking area, and instead of the car, there's this little buggy. It's sort of a cross between an old mining car and a motorcycle sidecar. I pick it up and carry it down the dirt road a ways further, across a stream, and up a hill. There's a large crowd of people on the hill, dressed rather formally for an outing in the desert. Out of the corner of my eye, I see something big jump up into the air, and realize that there are a dozen or more komodo dragons on the hill, wandering in and amongst the people. Mostly they're ignoring the people. Presumably it was a komodo dragon that jumped...but unless there was a trampoline involved, I don't think real komodos could jump that high. Anyway, about that time I woke up long enough to think, "That's weird," and went back to sleep.

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