23 July 2005

Milk...it makes a body crazy

Okay... no more cow's milk products for me for a VERY long time. I had a Thai iced tea on Thursday at noon. My head felt strange all day. Yesterday was somewhat better, but my mood did odd things. Today I'm still having weird mood effects from it. It's annoying, because if I don't watch it, I start thinking the emotions are real.

Thai iced tea is made from the Thai rose plant and sweetened, condensed milk. I've had the Thai rose tea separately, and it has roughly the same effect on me as chocolate. That is, I get a bit hyper and super-happy for a bit, but it wears off relatively quickly. Products made from cow's milk have always made me a bit obsessive compulsive... I think the problem with Thai-iced tea is that it's condensed milk. So it's super-concentrated. So instead of just making me slightly obsessive about things for a few hours, it messed with my head something awful.

Most of the time, I use goat's milk, and that doesn't have as much of an effect on me. When I haven't had it for a while, I notice a slight tenedency of obsessive-compulsiveness after having it, but when I have it semi-regularly, it doesn't bother me. So far as I can tell, there really isn't that much difference between cow's milk and goat's milk, chemically, so it doesn't make sense that one's effects are so much stronger than the other's.

I tried to find out more on the web... The closest thing I could find is a book called "Milk: The Deadly Poison," which claims that no humans should ever drink cow's milk. Since the author doesn't seem to consider alternate milk sources (like goat), it wasn't particularly useful. Also, I get suspicious when people claim that a single substance is responsible for all the health woes of modern society. I figure that everything is problematic for SOME people, but not for ALL people. :-)

(Currently I'm attempting to use chocolate to ameliorate the mood issues... Trick is not to get myself readdicted. :p)

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