09 July 2005

Camping Preparation

Well, I put off baking the bread until the last minute... At least, the last minute if I'd like it to be cool enough to be put into a bag tomorrow. It should be done in about ten minutes. I also baked some banana muffins, mainly because I had three bananas that were too brown to eat. Next up? Packing! When do we leave? Tomorrow at 8:00! Actually, the longer I wait to bake the bread, the less likely it will go bad while camping. However, clothes generally don't go stale when stored in a duffel bag, so I have no real excuse there.

I've been using Bette Hagman's 'Featherlight Rice Bread' recipe, only I've been substituting some of the featherlight rice flour with sorghum, amaranth, buckwheat, qunioa, any-interesting-flour-on-hand... Tonight I used sorghum and buckwheat. The sorghum tends to make it moister. The buckwheat gives it a richer flavor. Oh, I've also been using rice protein instead of dry milk powder. (Note: buckwheat is not related to wheat, despite the name. It's in the rhubarb family)

So...now I need to mix up some hot cocoa mix, pack my duffel bag, talk myself out of including every nature guidebook that I own, oh, and, hopefully, get some sleep. Most store-bought cocoa mixes have mono and diglycerides in them. Usually made from corn, but can be made from wheat. What are they for? No clue. I think they're for annoying the gluten-intolerant, just like the evil barley-malt and rice-pilaf people.

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