18 October 2007


Amazingly, a random note I put on the whiteboard in Math108 on Tuesday has not been erased. I didn't expect it to last one day, let alone two. Under the influence of hot chocolate, yerba maté, and decongestant, I put a note next to someone else's labeling of the "Laws of Exponents": *$50 fine for violations. If it had instead said "Rules of Exponents," I almost certainly would have crossed out 6 and added underneath "There is no Rule 6." I did that one year when I was working up there. I would repeatedly cross out "6" and someone else would come along and fix it...up until someone (was that you, Fibonacci?) decided to put "12/2" instead of 6. That I was willing to leave alone. ^/^

Also on Tuesday, I decided that the sign reading "This computer is having digestive difficulties" needed elaboration. I wrote "*GURGLE*GURGLE*" on it. That sign is also still there, although, oddly, someone has reversed it so that the writing is now up-side-down to anyone who sits there.

I wonder if they'll both still be there tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

"glug glug!"


Anonymous said...

Ill-tempered hackwork Danes. I was having a good time talkin' to my li'l desert lizard and someone has poisoned her mind against me. I mean, it's not untrue, it's just not nice.

Qalmlea said...

LOL (to both). And I'll go have a look-see at Sonora's inner-life.