03 February 2008

Nonlinear Dreams

I was riding on a rather odd bus. It did not have the customary rows of seats all lined up neatly. Instead, everything was fluid and curvy, and the back ring of seats was elevated above the front-most ring. The arrangement might have made sense for, say, a series of heated pools, where the topmost pool got the hottest water, and it had cooled off some before it made it to the lower level, but there was no water. Just these odd seats made out of some sort of plastic that looked rather like rock. It was white with grey speckles, and not particularly comfortable to sit on. Oh, and unless the bus was smaller on the outside, it was rather too wide to fit on most roads.

At any rate, something happened to the driver. Not sure if he got shot or had a heart attack or what. Then three friends (one of them my POV character) notice what time* it is, and realize that they have a perfect opportunity for a heist. One guy takes over driving the bus. The other guy secures the other passengers (there seem to be quite a lot of them, despite the fact that every time I saw the seats they were empty). Me? I don't know what I'm doing there. Eventually we get to wherever we were going.

The other two leap out and leave me to deal with the passengers. I'm not very happy about this. One guy is insistently trying to get out. Finally I whisper at him that I'll let him go, but that we have to put on a good show so that it looks like I tried to stop him. So he makes it off the bus and I tackle him, but he's not fighting back. I can't very well just stop fighting, but without any resistance I don't know how, exactly, I'm going to be able to let him go.

Finally he turns into a grey cat with crooked ears (I think it's called a "scottish fold"). So do all the other passengers. They're quite beautiful cats, in fact. I think they all start to wander off at this point, but I'm not really sure.

*This detail tells me that it was inspired by an episode of Monk that I watched yesterday, involving a heist of an armored car that required people to be in the right places at the right time. No clue where the rest of it came from.

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