21 February 2008

Er, I don't THINK I'm hallucinating... (UPDATE: I wasn't)

About 3 minutes ago, roughly 7:18 am, the building where I work shook for 5-10 seconds. I could hear it as well as feel it, so I don't think it's just a caffeine withdrawal thing. Now, wind loud enough to hear inside the building isn't unusual, but this is a rather large, solid building, so I don't think the wind be enough to make it shake on its own (plus a glance out the nearest window shows no wind). So... earthquake? Vibration from an explosion? I don't know, but earthquake seems the most likely. Which then brings up the question of aftershocks...

*sighs* back to work.

UPDATE: Nevada Earthquake felt across Idaho And I was only two minutes off for the time!

And here is a more local news source on it.

Oh, and here's a segment of a seismograph from somewhere near Yellowstone


John said...

When I was in 8th grade, there was a small earthquake (centered in Lake Erie). Those of us on the school's second floor felt it strongly. The kids on the first floor didn't even notice.

Ahh, good times...good times...

Qalmlea said...

I remember one other earthquake. I was pretty young, young enough that I had no clue what was going on, and for some reason I was alone in my parents' kitchen. I remember getting up and pushing on the walls, trying to make them shake again... I was too young to be scared by it, too; I just thought it was a bit weird.