04 May 2007

No More Lectures

And nothing to do this weekend, work-wise. Why? Because I actually got the one final that I had to write written yesterday, finished editing it today, and then printed it out. I even gave the Math Office its obligatory copy. That's for Stats. My other classes have a common final, which I don't have to write. I do have to come to the mass-143 grading session on Tuesday. :^p The idea behind it is that every 143 final will be graded the same way. Some people grade easier, some harder. The outcome is the most sadistic way to spend a morning I've ever encountered. Yes, I only have to grade one or two problems, but I have to grade 600 of the bloody things. Ah well.

I still don't know why I've been so dehydrated lately. I've been drinking about twice as much water as usual, and still feeling thirsty. It's getting to be a nuisance, but not as big a nuisance as feeling rotten from not drinking that much water. *sighs*

Hmmm... looks like potassium deficiency can cause extreme thirst, and that dehydration can mess with potassium levels. A one-two, perhaps?

ADDED THOUGHTS: I'd been craving salt for a while before this, and that can sometimes indicate potassium deficiency. I tried using some potassium-replacement-salt stuff tonight. One taste convinced me to go sparingly with it, but a touch here and there will help things out without (hopefully) overdoing them. It could very well be the placebo effect, but I do feel better at the moment than I have for the last few days.

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