23 January 2007

A robot?

I remember a snippet of dream from last night. I was participating in an episode of My Name is Earl. There was a new robot character. I was programming in weird responses for the robot to say at "the wedding." Not sure which characters were getting married, but the robot was going to make the day a whole lot more...memorable. Too bad I don't remember any of the responses I was programming in.


John said...

That's so cool. I don't ever get robots in my dreams.

I do seem to get a lot of flesh-eating zombies, though.

Does that say something about my subconcious, or what?

Qalmlea said...

LOL. I think this robot looked human, mostly, but with some metallic bits showing. My memory of it is pretty hazy now. But I could program it to say what I wanted; I know that much.

Hmmm... Flesh-eating zombies? No... I've occasionally gotten dancing skeletons. Strangely, taking a bracelet down off the wall above my bed made those stop the last time they started. Not really sure why.