02 September 2005

Dreaming a Movie. Again.

I seem to have come in on the tail end of this one. There were a bunch of people hiking up a dry, barren path in the mountains. One of them was Harrison Ford wearing the Russian uniform from K-19. Red rock all around. Lots of the rocks had deeper red lines on them, sometimes almost forming patterns. I remember one that looked like an 'A'. I also remember trying to figure out where they'd shot the movie, since I thought I might have been there (if I have, it's probably southern Utah or Colorado; dry and red). As they reach a flat area that is surrounded by rock, they all start celebrating and hugging. Apparently this is their safe refuge from...something. The camera pans out, and there's this huge, off-white...spherical...creature climbing the path. My first thought is that this is what they've been running from, but they're not afraid of it. I have a vague thought: "Oh yeah; he's played by John Candy." When the camera pans back, I'm no longer watching the movie. I'm in it. And I decide I'm fed up with...whatever drove the people up the mountain. Bon Jovi's "It's My Life" starts playing in the background but some of the words are different. As best as I can reconstruct:
It's my life
And here's the situation
I'm tired of this habituation.
I'm just gonna fight while I'm alive

I'm not sure about the fourth line, but the others are close. While this plays, I start marching back (down?) the path we'd all come up, only somehow it's going uphill again (uphill both ways!). Fibonacci joins me, wearing one of the really fancy-dress Marine uniforms. While we're still marching, my alarm goes off.

The refugees are probably due to thoughts about Katrina. Not really sure about the rest.


Qalmlea said...

Hmm... My first spammer. Perhaps it's time to turn on word verification.

kate said...

I've had dreams similar to that where I am watching a movie then after a while, I realize I'm one of the characters. Go figure.

Qalmlea said...

I get ones that switch back and forth sometimes. Observer, character, observer, character... What's really fun is when I start off as an observer, and there's a plot going on outside the movie, then that plot continues after I get sucked into the movie.