30 May 2008

Real, Live, Snails!

The first place I remember noticing the shells is along a slope deep into the motorized side of Gibson Jack. They were just empty shells, there in the dirt beside the trail. I figure that they probably live when there's enough moisture, say as the snow starts melting, lay eggs, and hope that enough water comes to revive the eggs. Anyway, I'd never seen them alive before yesterday. ^/^

Look! You can even see their cute little feelers! Before I found the mushrooms, I figured these little guys would be the highlight of the foray. They're still pretty awesome, even with the mushrooms. Oh, for reference, the shells are usually about an inch in diameter. A couple more pics below the fold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the pics and your scientific ponderings on the life cycle of the snails. I just moved to Poky a few weeks ago and went on my first hike up West Mink Creek. I also noticed the strange snail resting place and wondered about how they came to be.
