02 February 2007


I think I've had a mild case of the flu for the past week and a half or so. It's one of those things where I was feeling too rotten to actually notice how rotten I was feeling. But I suspect that was partially to blame for my alarm clock snafu of the prior week. I was too tired to think about checking to see if it was set, and actually needed those extra two hours of sleep. Oh, and I dug out a travel alarm clock so that now I have a backup if I don't turn it back on the morning before.

The reason I figure it was the flu is that it went on for so long, and that the fever lasted nearly the whole time. I had minor muscles aches and stiffness, but I get those with even regular colds. Mainly this was fever and headache, and fatigue.

On Thursday morning, I was feeling quite a bit better. Still, my temperature was 100.8 or so. That makes me wonder how high it was on the days I was feeling horrid and didn't think to check it. This morning it was down to 99.5. I suppose the good thing was that so long as I'd taken ibuprofen in the last 5-6 hours, with a bit of chocolate, I felt mostly okay. Bad thing is that I may have re-addicted myself to chocolate. *sighs* Still, so long as I'm at a reasonable temperature tomorrow morning, I'll head up to IF for taiji. If I'm still above 99, I'll probably stay home. I was probably contagious last week, unfortunately, but no reason to expose people twice.

Oh, one of the beginning taiji students in Pocatello is a very enthusiastic Karate-kai. I'm pretty sure he's a black belt. He's stated his goal to learn the entire Cheng man Ch'ing (don't blame me if the apostrophe's in the wrong place) form by the end of the semester. This class is moving faster than last fall's class, but it's unlikely we'll get all the way through in class. Still, since he's used to learning Karate Kata, he may make it. On Thursday, he showed up in class and announced that the ISU library actually had all the recommended books on Melissa's list...and that they were currently all checked out. :^D

On a final note... I discovered yesterday that having hot cocoa for breakfast, with a yerba maté chaser, right around the same time as taking decongestant, makes me a bit...loopy. Not so loopy I couldn't give coherent lectures (especially for Math025), but loopy enough that, for instance, a normal conversation required a great deal of concentration. Or else I would start singing, making random announcements, cheering, and otherwise being...hyper is too mild a word...but I can't think of a better one. Loopily hyper exuberance?

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