11 April 2007


This is Dovienya, caught mid-mew. Interestingly, I've never heard her do more than mew. No yowls, for instance. Purebred Siamese are known for being vocal, so this is further evidence that Dovienya is only part Siamese. You can see that her eyes are slightly crossed, though.

She's a very sweet cat, once she gets used to a person. I have no idea what her history is, but I'm sure that she was fending for herself for quite a while before she started turning up at my door. She has a tendency to bolt food. I've seen dogs do this, but never cats. She's also extremely skittish. Any surprising noise has a tendency to put her on edge, if not send her running.

Some of her behavior patterns have me wondering if she was abused. If I approach her with something in my hand, something that she doesn't recognize, she becomes very frightened. I've taken to holding my hands open at my sides, so that hopefully she'll feel safer.

She does not like enclosed spaces. When it turned cool the first time, I brought her in for a few minutes, so that she would have a warm place to eat. She ate for a while, but she had a rather wide-eyed look the whole time, and she kept looking around. The ceiling, especially, seemed to bother her. Since then, I've taken to bringing her partway into the house and leaving the door open. When she asks to get down, I put her down. Most times she heads straight for the door. A few times she's stayed for a little while, purring and asking to be petted.

I suppose if she's anyone's cat, she's mine. She only comes around at sunrise and sunset (roughly). I feed her and play with her for a while, and then she's off. No clue if she'll ever get used to being inside four walls.

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