13 April 2007

108 Days

Huh. I made it. 108 days of practicing breathing exercises, chanting, yoga and taiji at least once each day. There's a lot I could say about it, and I may add more later, but I will now admit that part of the reason I started on this was to get over a severe case of holiday depression. It wasn't a magic, instantaneous cure, but it did work. Eventually. Somewhere after Valentine's Day, I started to notice a difference. One interesting change is that I feel like myself again. I don't feel like a bundle of nerves and reactions and emotions. I'm also much, much healthier.

Perhaps the most interesting result has been on my sense of time. Remember when we were kids and summer vacation felt like it lasted for a year? I've managed to recapture that sense of spaciousness in time. It's surprisingly easy: (1) Get stuff done that you want to do. (2) Use the time that's available. (3) Don't look for ways to 'make the time go by' or 'fill time'. Normally at this time of the semester I'm wondering where the semester's gone, and why I didn't get anything done, etc. This time? I could swear that the semester started a year ago. I may not have gotten everything done that I wanted to, but I've done quite a lot.

Most recently? I got a flute-rack glued together, to hold my native american flutes. There's one more step left, and that's to wrap something around each of the pegs to cushion the flutes. Which...I think I'll go start on now.

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