Right now I'm eating a clementine
Sorry, but I couldn't think of a useful title. Anyway, life update: tonight I give two finals. Tomorrow I give one (that one isn't completely written yet, and my jump drive seems to have died on me, so I'll go in this afternoon to finish it). Also, my mom's furnace has been on the fritz lately. First sign of trouble came a few weeks back, when she tried to turn it up and got an error message. She has a digital thermostat, if that wasn't already obvious. Repairman came, didn't find anything wrong, said to call if it did weird things again. Last night, her heat wouldn't turn on. At all. She has some electric heaters that she brought upstairs (though I did offer my couch if it got TOO cold), and this morning she called the repairman again. There was a bad...something-or-other...condensor? I think that's what she said. It wasn't easy to find; apparently there was a bit of water dripping somewhere way back behind the furnace. But the guy was changing it out when I called, so she should have working heat again soon.
Also, I started browsing through summer pictures today, and decided to post some. Most are from Massacre Rocks. The landscape in my dream didn't quite match, though. The soil and rocks were redder. Aren't these moths cute? They were from my last Gibson Jack trip.
This one is from Massacre Rocks. The bee is on a willow (showy willow, I think is the common name, because of the flowers). If it's the willow I think it is, it smells like burning human flesh if you set it on fire.
If the rocks were redder, the water higher, and the vegetation deader, this would look a lot like the landscape in my dream. Another difference: I was surrounded by sheer rock walls at the water's edge, so my position was narrower even if the water was much wider.
This is probably a view from one of the docks at Massacre Rocks. The water I was trying to cross in my dream was much, much vaster. Note that this is a view UP the Snake River, not across it.
Last one. Just for comparison, this is from Arches National Park. The color of the rocks is much closer to that of my dreams than any of the Massacre Rock pictures.
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