21 August 2006

Oddly Prepared (or not)

As of about thirty seconds ago, it became the first day of fall semester. I have no syllabi printed out, and only one completely written. Two will be easy, as I need only borrow from Cathi Kunicki's info. The new class will be tougher. None of them will be easy if the printers are still unresponsive and/or attempting to eat paper tomorrow. On the bright side, I'm not likely to get in there before 15:00, by which times those problems SHOULD have been noticed and fixed.

Anyway, I've been working on a rack for holding my Native American flutes, and it is largely finished now. It probably will need another coat of black paint, then I'll stencil it, seal it, wrap white leather around the pegs (possibly with beads on the ends), and figure out a way to hang it. As I made it out of salvaged particle board from an old shoe rack, it's going to be rather heavy. On the bright side, I have thusfar spend only $4 for materials, and that was for the pegs (12 of them @ $0.99 per 3). Everything else I had on hand. I don't have the sealant or the leather on hand, but that's not likely to run me up very much. I'll post a picture when it's all done. Thusfar I'm pleased with its progress.

In other news, tomorrow they're supposed to be installing doors on my garage. The main "garage" door is an old wooden thing that's about to fall apart and does not like to stay in its open position. The "regular" door is also about to fall apart and does not like to stay in its closed position. The only thing keeping it semi-closed is the lock I put on it. It will be nice to have real, working doors on it.

In other other news, I might finally be tired enough to sleep.

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